Check Back Soon for More Tips, Ideas, and Resources to Help You Stay Healthy!
Healthy Environment
The places where you live, work, play, and worship are important for your health too! There are things you can do to minimize your exposure to toxins, hazards, and conditions that could impact your wellbeing and that of any children you are either raising now or might have in the future. Here are some tips and resources for you to improve your daily environments!
Healthy Homes
Here are some ideas and resources you may want to consider to help you live in a healthy home:
If you are having a housing emergency and are in need of temporary shelter, you can use this directory to find your closest homeless shelter, transitional housing, or rental deposit assistance opportunities. Calling 2-1-1 from any phone will also connect you to a live operator who can help you with your emergency needs.
Check out the CT Healthy Homes Initiative and follow these seven tips for a healthy home.
As a renter it is important to learn what your legal rights are. You may also qualify for financial assistance with housing costs.
Handle foods safely. Cook all meat thoroughly and avoid raw, unpasteurized milk and cheeses to prevent food-borne infections such as Listeria. Also limit intake of certain fish to prevent mercury exposure. These include shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.
Some common household products can contain hazardous chemicals. Take some time to learn more about which ones you may want to steer clear from.
Develop healthy relationships with your partner, family, and friends. If you don't feel safe in your own home, reach out for help. You can call 888-774-2900 24 hours a day, 7 days a well.
If you could become pregnant, use gloves when handling cat litter and while gardening to prevent the infection Toxoplasmosis. Talk to your doctor about what other toxins and hazards you should avoid if you'd like to become pregnant this year, or are already raising your children.
Healthy Neighborhoods
Healthy Parks
Healthy Transportation
Healthy Workplaces
Collaborate with others to promote a healthy community where residents have easy access to healthy foods and active living opportunities; a neighborhood that is free of violence, takes active steps towards minimizing air pollution, and supports your social, health, and economic needs.
If you are or know a survivor of sexual violence, reach out for help. 24-hour toll-free numbers are available in English (1-888-999-5545) and Español (1-888-568-8332).

Explore the natural beauty of Connecticut by visiting its state parks and forests. Learn more here too.
Enjoy the beautiful scenery and get healthy by hiking in Connecticut's parks and trails. Never hiked before? Here are some hiking safety tips to help you get started.
If boating or water sports are more to your liking, here are some important boating safety tips to keep in mind.
Learn about other ways to have fun outside in New England.
Connecticut parks are home to many species of birds and other wildlife. Here are some birding hotspots and information about birthwatching tours.
Would you like to take action to conserve wildlife in Connecticut? The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has volunteer opportunities to survey, monitor, and report on bird populations of certain species in the state.
Sick of sitting at a desk all day? Here are exercises you can do at your desk!
Eating meals at your desk can lead to obesity and other health issues, but it can be a challenge to step away for lunch. Here are some tips for eating healthier while you are at work.
Injuries in the workplace that cause pain in the back, joints, and muscles are very common. Learn what you can do to prevent these types of injuries, especially if you work in a job that is physically demanding or requires repetitive motions.
Connecticut has laws that support working people as they grow and care for their families. Read the Family and Medical Leave statute, and learn about the laws regarding pregnancy and work.
The Connecticut Department of Labor offers information on workplace safety and wage laws.
The United States Centers for Disease Control has information, tools, and resources employers can use to assess their workplace and develop healthy workplace programs.
Walking is a healthy way to get around! Here's what you need to know to stay healthy and safe while you stroll.
Bike riding offers wonderful health benefits for women. Learn more here.
Learn tips to help you get started biking to work.
Public transportation encourages walking for exercise during your commute and helps keep our environment cleaner. Explore using CTfastrack, Greater Hartford's rapid transit busline, or some of the variety of other public transportation options offered within the state.
Check out what the research says about how transportation affects health.
The United States Centers for Disease Control offers a toolkit for city planners and health professionals to assess how transportation is affecting public health.